More and more of the sites I’m building recently are using webfonts, and some of these fonts are very heavy. I care about load time and page weight, so I set about finding ways to ensure I could use webfonts while minimising some of the associated problems, viz. FOUT and missing content.
I’m building a thing that’s not quite finished yet, and it uses the geolocation API to get latitude and longitude. I wanted to put them into an object and use it for calculations.
AJAX has become a big part of responsive design for me. I use it to load secondary content into larger viewports to make it easier to find/view than if it is behind a small link in the footer or somewhere like that.
For me the classList API is one of the most useful parts of HTML5. Manipulating classes is an everyday part of JavaScript on the web, but is a cowpath that required a sure foot to tread before before getting the full treatment from the pavers in the form of classList.